Wednesday, November 30, 2022

How to Install Cisco AnyConnect VPN on Linux

Copied from

How to Install Cisco AnyConnect VPN on Linux

Note: Cisco only supports Red Hat and Ubuntu Linux distributions.

Step 1

Download the .gz install archive to the desktop.

Step 2

Extract the archive to the desktop of Ubuntu in the following folder anyconnect-linux64-…

Note: In the file anyconnect-linux64-4.6.01103, the numbers after the dash are the version number (e.g., 4.6.01103) and will change as ITS updates the AnyConnect software package.

Linux installation files

Step 3

Open a terminal window and navigate to the extracted folder in the terminal—for example, cd ~/Desktop/anyconnect-linux64-

Step 4

Type sudo sh

Step 5

When prompted enter your root password then hit Return.

Step 6

Hit return and type y then hit Return again. The installation should now start and walk you through the setup.

Any connect should now be installed and ready to use.

How to Connect to a CentOS 7 Server via Remote Desktop Connection

 Copied from here



How to Connect to a CentOS 7 Server via Remote Desktop Connection using xRDP

In this tutorial we’ll cover the steps to install xRDP on your remote CentOS 7 machine, and how to connect to it via Remote Desktop Connection. We’ll also show you how to install and connect to different Desktop Environments on your remote CentOS 7 machine.

xRDP is a a free and open source Remote Desktop Protocol Server that allows other operating systems, other than Windows, to provide a fully functional remote desktop experience.

xRDP is fully compatible with rdesktop, FreeRDP and even Microsoft’s Remote Desktop Client.


  • Although not absolutely required, we recommend acting as a non-root sudo user when proceeding to make any major changes to your system.
  • A machine running CentOS 7 with a minimum of 2GB RAM.

Installing xRDP on CentOS 8: For an updated version of this tutorial for CentOS 8, along with installing additional desktop environments and configuring the remote desktop connection for speed, we recommend this article How to Connect to a CentOS 8 Server via Remote Desktop Connection using xRDP

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Step 1 – Install xRDP on CentOS 7

First, update your package index:

sudo yum -y update
$ sudo yum install -y epel-release
$ sudo yum install -y xrdp
$ sudo systemctl enable xrdp
$ sudo systemctl start xrdp

If you’re using FirewallD, then open port 3389/tcp for RDP:

$ sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=3389/tcp --permanent
$ sudo firewall-cmd --reload

Step 2 – Install Your Preferred Desktop Environment

Now we can install the desktop environment we’ll be using. In this guide we’ll try out XFCE, MATE, and GNOME.

If you’re looking for a lightweight and resource friendly solution, install XFCE.

NOTE: If you can’t connect via Remote Desktop Connection after you’ve installed the desktop environment, then open port 3389/tcp using the firewall-cmd command mentioned above.

1. Install XFCE Desktop Environment

XFCE is one of the most lightweight desktop environments. It’s fast, low on system resources, while still visually appealing. Additionally, it has a very active community, so there are many customization options available.

To install XFCE, run the following commands:

$ sudo yum install -y epel-release
$ sudo yum groupinstall -y "Xfce"
$ sudo reboot

Next, create the .Xclients file in the directory of the user you’re connecting with:

$ echo "xfce4-session" > ~/.Xclients
$ chmod a+x ~/.Xclients

Now you can connect to the server using Remote Desktop Connection.

Here is what XFCE looks like:


Uninstalling XFCE

To uninstall XFCE from your CentOS 7 machine, run the following commands:

$ sudo yum groupremove -y "Xfce"
$ sudo yum remove -y libxfce4*

2. Install MATE Desktop Environment

To install MATE, run the following commands:

$ sudo yum install -y epel-release
$ sudo yum groupinstall -y "MATE Desktop"
$ sudo reboot

Next, create the .Xclients file in the directory of the user you’re connecting with:

$ echo "mate-session" > ~/.Xclients
$ chmod a+x ~/.Xclients

Now you can connect to the server using Remote Desktop Connection.

Here is what MATE looks like:


Uninstalling MATE

To uninstall MATE from your CentOS 7 machine, run the following commands:

$ sudo yum groupremove -y "MATE Desktop"
$ sudo yum autoremove -y

3. Install GNOME Desktop Evironment

We’ll now install GNOME 3.

To do this, we’ll just have to install the GNOME Desktop package group, which will install all the packages required for the GUI installation.

$ sudo yum groupinstall "GNOME DESKTOP" -y

This may take a while. There were ~1000 packages installed on a minimal CentOS 7 installation.

Start the GUI

Although we installed the GNOME Desktop package group, the GUI will not be loaded by default on reboot.

We can check this by running:

$ systemctl get-default


If our default target is, it means that the GUI will not be loaded. What we want is to set the default target to

To do this, run the following commands:

$ sudo systemctl set-default


Removed symlink /etc/systemd/system/
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ to /usr/lib/systemd/system/

After which, run the following command to change to the GUI immediately:

$ sudo systemctl isolate

That’s it. You can now connect via xRDP to your CentOS 7 machine using GNOME.

Here is what GNOME 3 looks like, the first time you connect after installing. Just follow the initial configuration steps to finish setting up.


Uninstalling GNOME

To uninstall GNOME from your CentOS 7 machine, run the following commands:

$ sudo yum groupremove -y "GNOME Desktop"
$ sudo yum autoremove -y

Step 3 – Connect to Your Machine Using Remote Desktop Connection

With xRDP and your desktop environment installed, you can now connect from your local machine to the remote machine.

How you do this depends on your operating system.

Connect from Windows

To connect to your server from Microsoft Windows, just search and launch the Remote Desktop Connection application and input your hostname or IP:


If this is your first time connecting, then you’ll receive some security warnings. Assuming this is your server and it is secure then just go ahead and confirm them.



Connect from Linux

To connect from a Linux machine, a great option for using remote desktop connection is Remmina. Remmina is a wonderful free and open-source remote desktop client that supports Remote Desktop Protocol, VNC, NX, XDMCP, SPICE and SSH protocols.


To use Remmina to connect from Linux to your remote machine, just run Remmina after installing it, click the + in the top left corner and fill in your remote machine’s IP/Hostname, Username and Password.

If you’re running Debian/Ubuntu/CentOS/Fedora locally, you can install Remmina using the following commands:


$ sudo apt-get install remmina remmina-plugin-*


$ yum install remmina remmina-plugins-*

Fedora 22

$ sudo dnf copr enable hubbitus/remmina-next
$ sudo dnf upgrade --refresh 'remmina*' 'freerdp*'

You’ll notice we are also installing remmina-plugins-* because our main interest is installing the Remmina RDP plugin, as it may not be installed by default.

You can find more detailed installation instructions, and instructions for other distros on their website, here How to install Remmina – Remmina.

Connect from OSX

To connect from your Mac, you’ll first have to download the Microsoft Remote Desktop App from the App Store

After launching the app for the first time, you’ll first want to create a new connection. To do this click on the + in the top left corner of the app window.

The essential information you need here is for PC Name, User name and Password.

Just fill in the info for the 3 mentioned fields as follows:

PC Name – The IP or Host name of your remote machine. Most likely you’ll want to use your IP.
User name – The username you used when installing xRDP and the desktop environment on your remote machine. Either root or your sudo user.
Password – Your CentOS user’s login password.

After which the connection should be saved and you should be able to start the connection to the remote machine.

For additional info and support, you can read the instructions for Remote Desktop on Mac on Microsoft’s Website.


Well done. You’ve hopefully learned how to install xRDP on a CentOS 7 machine and use 3 different desktop environments over remote desktop connection.

If you’ve encountered any issues when following this tutorial, please feel free to let us know in the comments or by contacting us.



Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Solarflare TCPDirect

 Copied from



A beginner’s guide to Solarflare TCPDirect

For the past few months, our team has been working on reducing the overall latency of the TCP/IP stack. Solarflare’s OpenOnload based kernel bypass gives a significant performance boost over the kernel. Using that, we were able to achieve 1800ns UDP to TCP round trip with our application in it but this wasn’t enough. After some research, we found out that TCPDirect claims a further performance boost of around 300–350ns, so we decided to test it out. Although there is a manual available for TCPDirect, there isn’t any significant, easy to understand help available to port conventional sockets to TCPdirect “zockets”.

After a lot of exploration and experimentation, I have come out to a cheat sheet to convert a conventional socket-based application to TCPDirect’s “zockets”.

Initial Setup

Initial Setup

To get started with TCPDirect, you have to do the following initializations

  1. Add the required libraries.
  2. Call zf_init(). It initializes the TCPDirect.
  3. Set the optional properties of TCP/IP stack in the “Attr” structure e.g buffer size or interface. This attribute will be used in the next step and later on while initializing the zockets.
  4. Allocate the stack. One stack can handle a maximum of 64 zockets. If you want to open more zockets you have to create more stacks.

Unlike conventional UDP socket, which provides the leverage of sending and receiving UDP packets through the same socket, you must have two different zockets for sending and receiving in TCPDirect.

UDP Receive

UDP Receive

To set up a receive zocket, you need to perform the following steps.

  1. Set up a UDP receive zocket using stack and attribute structures used in the initialization step.
  2. Bind to the address you want to listen, here ai_local is addrinfo type structure.
  3. Call zf_reactor_perform() to check if any packet is received.
  4. Use zfur_zc_recv() to receive the packet, if the packet is available in the previous step.
  5. As it is a zero-copy receive, free the sk-buff after utilizing the data.

UDP Send

UDP Send

To send a UDP packet, do the following steps

  1. Set up a UDP send zocket using stack and attribute structures used in the initialization step. Give remote and local addresses in ai_local and ai_remote, which are addrinfo type structures.
  2. Send packet using zfut_send_single().

TCP Send Receive

Unlike UDP, the same zocket can be used to send and receive packets.

  1. Set up a TCP zocket using stack and attribute structures used in the initialization step.
  2. Connect to the remote server using zft_connect, here ai_remote is addrinfo type structure.
  3. Send a packet using zft_send_single().
  4. Start listening to the port to receive packets.
  5. Use zftl_accept() to check if a connection is accepted or not.
  6. Frequently call zf-reactor_perform() to check for any received event or packet. This is a very critical function, as it also handles some non-user-visible events like sending the ACK or retransmitting the packet.
  7. Use zft_zc_rect() to receive a packet.
  8. As it is a zero-copy receive, free the sk-buff after utilizing the data.

Final words

TCPDirect APIs are a bit different from the kernel APIs but they can be easily mapped. A small effort in changing them can result in a significant performance boost of about 300–350ns in your latency-critical application. Hopefully, this guide will be helpful to get you started with TCPDirect.


Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Install GCC from source

 Copied from :

Install GCC from source

If you need a newer version of GCC than the one distributed by the official CentOS 7 repositories you can install it from source.

It is highly recommended to start a screen session before starting the installation. Run the following command

screen -U -S gcc

Download the tarball of the GCC version you want to install. In our example we will use GCC version 7.3.0


Unpack the tar archive and change the current working directory

tar zxf gcc-7.3.0.tar.gz
cd gcc-7.3.0

Install bzip2 and run the ‘download_prerequisites’ script to download some prerequisites needed by GCC. You have to run this from the top level of the GCC source tree.

yum -y install bzip2

Once the prerequisites are downloaded execute the following command to start configuring the GCC build environment

./configure --disable-multilib --enable-languages=c,c++

Once it is completed, run the following command to compile the source code. It may take a few hours for the compilation to complete, so sit back and relax.

make -j 4
make install

Friday, January 28, 2022

ProtoBuf - VS 2022 - Support

Copied from



Use Visual Studio to generate .cs from .proto and steamline your development process

Well, protobuf. Right? If you haven’t heard of it, please visit – and read it. It is pretty cool in terms network communication. Reduces size of your payload a lot.

Now, if you are like me trying to use .proto files with Visual Studio, you might find it painful, to re-generate .cs files after your .proto files are changed. And also make sure you could also right code logic around those .cs classes generated, without any hassle. I kind, came up with a solution to this for my cases. Sharing here, in case anyone else finds it useful.

The Solution

Lets create our solution first. My solution name is ProtobufDemo. I will add few projects (will describe later), and it looks like this –

This is a very simple solution –

  • src contains all the source code
    • ProtobufDemo.Message we will have .proto definition files here. I am a bit lazy and I really don’t going into command line and run a command each time I am modifying something in my definition file. I will use this project to auto generate the cs files from proto file.
    • ProtobufDemo.Message.Generated is the project we will have our generated POCO classes and also any additional logic that we might want to have for the message. For example, validation and adding some on demand fields, etc.

The Example Domain (.proto)

Our domain is a plain and simple blog entry. With 3 fields –

  • Title
  • Content
  • Author

So, it looks like this –


syntax = "proto3";
option csharp_namespace = "ProtobufDemo.Message"; // the generated namespace for cs classes

message Blog {
	string title = 1;
	string content = 2;
	string author = 3;

The Generated Domain (.cs)

Before we include the tools to generate the .cs classes, we need to fix few things. I have listed them bellow –

  1. I am going to use official to generate the .cs files. More about the grpc tools can be found here
  2. By default generates the files inside obj folder in the same project. This causes sometimes troubles for MSbuild system as something the build remnants stays there and causes double reference error.
  3. I am going to use the second project (ProtobufDemo.Message.Generated) to include those generated .cs files. This keeps both the projects and build system clean.

Add Required Tools

Lets add required nuget packages to our project, that will generate the .cs files from .proto files.

Go to project ProfibufDemo.Messages

Add packages –

<package id="Google.Protobuf" version="3.7.0" targetFramework="net47" />
  <package id="Grpc" version="1.20.1" targetFramework="net47" />
  <package id="Grpc.Core" version="1.20.1" targetFramework="net47" />
  <package id="Grpc.Core.Api" version="1.20.1" targetFramework="net47" />
  <package id="Grpc.Tools" version="1.20.1" targetFramework="net47" developmentDependency="true" />
  <package id="protobuf-net" version="2.4.0" targetFramework="net47" />
  <package id="System.Interactive.Async" version="3.2.0" targetFramework="net47" />

That will make sure every time we build project, it will convert any .proto file in this project to .cs .

Now, we need to control how that .cs file is being generated. As I mentioned earlier the default location is obj folder, which is not quite I want.

First, make sure the Build Action for your file is Protobuf. This option only appears after the nuget packages are installed.

You might need to reload the solution to have it enabled after installing the nuget package.

Modify Project file

Unfortunately, there is no shortcut for this. You have to modify the project file for ProtobufDemo.Message project to make sure the files are generated into correct locations. Since I am using the other project (ProfotbufDemo.Message.Generated) for including the .cs file, I will use the location for that project. Please use location that best suites your need.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <None Include="packages.config" />
    <Protobuf Include="Protos\Blog.proto" CompilesOutput="False" GrpcServices="None" OutputDir="..\ProtobufDemo.Message.Generated\Generated" />

That is right, just the item for the .proto file in this case –

<Protobuf Include="Protos\Blog.proto">

With –

<Protobuf Include="Protos\Blog.proto" CompilesOutput="False" GrpcServices="None" OutputDir="..\ProtobufDemo.Message.Generated\Generated" />

The Protobuf tag supports few more attributes. You can check them all out at grpc tools.

This practically says to generate the file to that location. Unfortunately, there is no shortcut to this, but luckily you only have to it once per file.

Now, build and you will see files generated in proper location.

Enable Show All Files from solution explorer, you will be able to see the generated folder/files. Lets include the file into the project –

That is it. Now every time you modify your .proto file, you will have your .cs auto generated and updated. No more extra works or commands to run.

Adding Custom Property to Generated POCO

Well, that solves half the problem. The other half is what if I Want to add some custom logic for the class or some custom validation or some custom read-only property to keep a clean implementation.

You are lucky, cause the POCO classes generated by grpc tools are partial. All you have to do is match the namepace and classname and you can have a very simple interface implementation and logic to inject with. I will not go into details, but a typical web framework with command handlers and controllers look like this –

The proto

syntax = "proto3";
option csharp_namespace = "ProtobufDemo.Message"; //match it in partial class

message Blog {
	string title = 1;
	string content = 2;
	string author = 3;

The Interface

namespace ProtobufDemo.Message
	public interface IDomain
		bool HasTitle();

The Custom Class

namespace ProtobufDemo.Message
	public partial class Blog : IDomain
		public bool HasTitle()
			return string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Title); //perfect use of shared property in partial class

The structure might look like this-

I hope this helps to keep things simple.





Monday, January 10, 2022

Adding custom monitors to zabbix

 Copied from

Adding custom monitors to zabbix

Posted by lawnninja on Thu, 29 Aug 2019 14:14:58 +0200

Adding custom monitors to zabbix

By writing scripts to obtain various states of tcp, adding TCP status template, triggers, graphics, the whole process of customizing monitoring through scripts is realized.

1. agent-side configuration

1. Create custom scripts to store directories

[root@localhost ~]# mkdir /etc/zabbix/scripts
[root@localhost ~]# chown zabbix.zabbix /etc/zabbix/scripts/

2. Create scripts

Create a script to get the tcp status, as shown below

#this script is used to get tcp and udp connetion status
#tcp status
/bin/netstat -an|awk '/^tcp/{++S[$NF]}END{for(a in S) print a,S[a]}' > $tmp_file

case $metric in
         output=$(awk '/CLOSED/{print $2}' $tmp_file)
         if [ "$output" == "" ];then
            echo 0
            echo $output
         output=$(awk '/LISTEN/{print $2}' $tmp_file)
         if [ "$output" == "" ];then
            echo 0
            echo $output
         output=$(awk '/SYN_RECV/{print $2}' $tmp_file)
         if [ "$output" == "" ];then
            echo 0
            echo $output
         output=$(awk '/SYN_SENT/{print $2}' $tmp_file)
         if [ "$output" == "" ];then
            echo 0
            echo $output
         output=$(awk '/ESTABLISHED/{print $2}' $tmp_file)
         if [ "$output" == "" ];then
            echo 0
            echo $output
         output=$(awk '/TIME_WAIT/{print $2}' $tmp_file)
         if [ "$output" == "" ];then
            echo 0
            echo $output
         output=$(awk '/CLOSING/{print $2}' $tmp_file)
         if [ "$output" == "" ];then
            echo 0
            echo $output
         output=$(awk '/CLOSE_WAIT/{print $2}' $tmp_file)
         if [ "$output" == "" ];then
            echo 0
            echo $output
         output=$(awk '/LAST_ACK/{print $2}' $tmp_file)
         if [ "$output" == "" ];then
            echo 0
            echo $output
         output=$(awk '/FIN_WAIT1/{print $2}' $tmp_file)
         if [ "$output" == "" ];then
            echo 0
            echo $output
         output=$(awk '/FIN_WAIT2/{print $2}' $tmp_file)
         if [ "$output" == "" ];then
            echo 0
            echo $output
         echo -e "\e[033mUsage: sh  $0 [closed|closing|closewait|synrecv|synsent|finwait1|finwait2|listen|established|lastack|timewait]\e[0m"

3. Configure zabbix_agent d.conf

To execute a custom script to get data, you need to open the appropriate options in the configuration file. If you have started, you can skip this step.

[root@localhost ~]# egrep -v "(^#|^$)" /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf
EnableRemoteCommands=1  #Allow remote commands to be executed locally
UnsafeUserParameters=1 #Enable user-defined monitoring scripts

4. Custom key profile

[root@localhost ~]# cat /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/tcp-status-params.conf 
UserParameter=tcp.status[*],/etc/zabbix/scripts/ $1

Note: The tcp.status here is the monitored item name, followed by $1 is the corresponding parameter.
For example, the state of closewait is tcp.status[closewait]

5. Restart service

[root@localhost ~]# systemctl restart zabbix-agent.service

6. Testing

Test whether you can get customized monitoring data by zabbix_get on the server side
[root@localhost ~]# zabbix_get -s ip -p 10050 -k "tcp.status[listen]"

[root@localhost ~]# zabbix_get -s ip -p 10050 -k "tcp.status[listen]"

No problem with data
Note: This command is executed on the server side of zabbix, not on the agent side.
If there is no zabbix_get command, install zabbix_get

[root@localhost ~]# yum -y install  zabbix-get
 Loaded plug-in: fastest mirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base:
 * epel:
 * extras:
 * updates:
 The package zabbix-get-4.0.12-1.el7.x86_64 is installed and is the latest version without any processing.

Defining custom templates

After the agent side configuration is completed, we need to create the corresponding template on the zabbix server web. Other hosts can apply the template to obtain custom data.

1. Creating Templates

Create a new template in Configuration -> Template ->.
The template name "TCP_CONN_STATUS" group is placed in Templates, and the configuration is shown below.

2. Create monitoring items

After creating the template, we should create the application set first, but when creating the monitor item, we can create the application set directly, so we skip the creation of the application set.
Find the newly created template in Configuration -> Template -> TCP_CONN_STATUS -> Monitor Item -> Create Monitor Item

In the monitor item, we define the name TCP_CONN_LISTEN to monitor the number of LISTENs in tcp. The key value is tcp.status[listen] defined in our custom key, and then select the new application set TCP_CONN_STATUS at the application set. Click Add, as shown in the following figure:

Create other tcp states such as TCP_CONN_CLOSED, TCP_CONN_FIN-WAIT-1, TCP_CONN_LAST-ACK, TCP_CONN_SYN-RECV, TCP_CONN_TIME-WAIT and so on by the above steps.
The final monitoring items are shown in the following figure:

3. Create triggers

Find the newly created template in Configuration -> Template -> TCP_CONN_STATUS -> Trigger -> Create Trigger, as shown in the following figure:

Create a trigger named Too Many Tcp Closewait, set the number of closewaits to alarm, I set it to 500, the expression is {TCP_CONN_STATUS: tcp. status [closed]. last ()}> 500, the specific configuration is as follows:

The expression is added at that point. In the monitor item, select the close wait monitor item and insert the result with > 500 clicks, as shown in the following figure:

4. Creating Graphics

Configuration -> Module -> TCP_CONN_STATUS - > Graphics - > Create Graphics - > Name "TCP_CONN_STATUS_Graph" - > Select Pre-monitor - > Add as follows:

To complete a custom monitoring template definition here

5. Associated Host

Connect the template we just created to our host for the template to take effect
In Configuration -> Host -> Select the Host to Monitor -> Click Template -> Select the Template we just created on the Link Indicator, click Add -> Click Update, and the Template is added, as shown in the following figure:

We can see the latest data generation in Detect -> Latest Data -> Select the host that just added the template -> Select the Application Set (TCP_CONN_STATUS), which shows that our template configuration is successful, as shown in the following figure:

You can also select TCP_CONN_STATUS_Graph we created earlier in the graph to see the graph generation, as shown in the following figure:

Little knowledge:
After we have created the template, we can choose to export the template to facilitate our sharing and reuse.
In Configuration -> Template -> Find the Template we created -> Check Template -> Click Export
Save the exported files and use them on other hosts. Note that the template and agent configurations should be consistent.

Topics: Zabbix yum EPEL