Wednesday, March 30, 2016

How to batch resize photos

Installing ImageMagick

For Windows users:

  • Install the appropriate binaries from here
  • During installation make sure the box is checked for Add application directory to your system path

For Linux (Ubuntu/Debian) users:

  • ImageMagick is included in the software repository so you just need to run the following commands to install it.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install imagemagick

Resizing the photos

Next open up a command prompt/terminal and navigate to where the photos are that you want to resize. There you’ll want to create sub-folder to store the resized photos. Then run the following command replacing output with the name of the sub-folder you created.
mogrify -format jpg -verbose -auto-orient -resize 2048x2048 -quality 100% -path 'output' *.JPG
Once that’s done just go into the sub-folder and your photos should all be resized and ready to go.


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