1. Contact Form
Can use JotForm for contact form that send you email from your web site
Ex: OEM contact page http://www.jotform.com/?formID=51298047806461
2. SEO - Search Engine Operator
You can use https://www.xml-sitemaps.com/ to build site-map for you Google site. Once you build the site map, upload it to your web site using "Attachment " under "Mange Your Site"
3. Google Web Master
Go to "Edit Site Layout" -> "Edit Horizontal Navigation", And use Arrows to make sub menu/tabs
Can use JotForm for contact form that send you email from your web site
Ex: OEM contact page http://www.jotform.com/?formID=51298047806461
2. SEO - Search Engine Operator
You can use https://www.xml-sitemaps.com/ to build site-map for you Google site. Once you build the site map, upload it to your web site using "Attachment " under "Mange Your Site"
3. Google Web Master
- Go to "Crawl" -> "SiteMaps" to ubmit the site-map you uploaded.
- Then "Fetch as Google" and Submit.
Go to "Edit Site Layout" -> "Edit Horizontal Navigation", And use Arrows to make sub menu/tabs